| 1916 The first shovel broke ground for building the Merseburg ammonia factory on May 25.
  | 1917 The first ammonia reactor was put into service on April 27 using a ferriferous melting contact as a catalyst. The first boiler wagon left the company for being processed into explosives on April 28.
  | 1918 The Nobel Prize for Chemistry went to Professor Dr. Fritz Haber (1868 - 1934) for detailing the basic scientific factors for catalytic high-pressure ammonia synthesis.
  | 1919 Ammonium sulphate production was launched. The first boiler wagon left the company on May 7.
  | 1920 Professor Dr. Matthias Pier (1892 - 1965) developed high-pressure methanol synthesis that was finally launched in 1923.
  | 1921 The start of catalyst production for synthesising ammonia in Leuna (Leuna's first major industrial production of catalysts).
  | 1923 Leuna broke through nature's monopoly when wood alcohol was replaced by synthetic methyl alcohol. Partial conversion was rolled out for producing methanol synthesis gas.
  | 1925 The first Winkler generators were built for manufacturing synthesis gas based on lignite.
  | 1926 Construction began on a large-scale production trial installation for producing benzine from lignite and lignite tar based on the experimental findings of Professor Dr. Friedrich-Carl-Rudolf Bergius (1884 - 1949) who obtained liquid reaction products from hard coal in 1913. Professor Dr. Matthias Pier picked up on these findings to transfer it to Leuna.
  | 1928 Leuna had a monopoly in producing synthetic nitrogen compounds and nitrogen fertilisers.
  | 1931 The Nobel Prize for Chemistry went to Professor Dr. Carl Bosch (1874 - 1940) and Professor Dr. Friedrich Bergius for technical implementation of high-pressure ammonia synthesis in Leuna from 1909 to 1913 (Haber-Bosch's technique) to promote methanol synthesis and benzine synthesis via coal hydrogenation. Isobutyl synthesis provided the technical prerequisites for generating high-octane aeroplane fuel made of synthesis gas.
  | 1932 There was a crucial breakthrough in lignite hydrogenation by using powdered molybdenum oxide as the catalyst. Catalytic high-pressure synthesis of methylamine was put into service.
  | 1937 The production of special lubricating oils was launched by polymerising ethylene in the presence of aluminium chloride.
  | 1938 Experiments were commenced for large-scale industrial synthesis of caprolactam for producing the polyamide fibre Perlon according to the technique of the chemist Professor Dr. Paul Schlack (1897 - 1987).
  | 1939 Luran was produced for the first time (Leuna's name for caprolactam).
  | 1940 Tenside production was launched for manufacturing detergents.
  | 1942 The new caprolactam factory was put into service in autumn.
  | 1949 A plant was put into service for producing urea in September that enabled Leuna to use urea it produced itself to manufacture K-glue.
  | 1952 The Polyamid Leuna injection moulding compound was developed. The production of the INH remedy for tuberculosis (isonicotinic acid hydrazide) was initiated.
  | 1955 The first Soviet petroleum crude was processed. Manufacture of epoxy resins. Experiments for producing polyethylene.
  | 1959 The first shovel broke ground for factory complex II on October 8 laying the foundation for the petrochemical industry in the heart of Germany.
  | 1960 Petroleum crude processing broke the 1-million tonne limit. The L-forming plant for boosting the quality of benzine was integrated into regular production.
  | 1964 The first expansion phase of the urea factory commenced production at the beginning of the year.
  | 1966 The first expansion phase was put into service in January for producing 24 kt/a of high-pressure polyethylene of Leuna II. Leuna II was equipped with biological sewage water purification.
  | 1967 The first tank truck of caprolactam supplied Premnitz in August from the new plant in factory II. The petroleum crude pipeline from Schwedt to Leuna was put into service in October.
  | 1973 Air separation apparatus 1 went into operation at the new oxygen factory.
  | 1979 Mirathen production line V for producing high-pressure polyethylene commenced trial operation in September.
  | 1986 Low-pressure methanol synthesis was put into service for 2,000 tonnes a day.
  | 1989 The argon plant was put into service.
  | 1990 Start of the business-area-related privatization of the Leuna-Werke involving the closure of unprofitable plants as well as the spin-off of non-chemical-specific businesses.
  | 1991 Linde AG took over the business area technical gases and developed it with the help of significant investments in the renewal years to an important growth factor in the region and its largest gas center in Europe.
  | 1992 The Trust Agency, the Minol AG and Leuna-Werke AG concluded a contract with a consortium being under ELF Aquitaine`s leadership which allowed inter alia the erection of a new refinery with a capacity of 10 million tons in Leuna/Spergau. STEAG AG took over the parts of power generation and erected a new gas and steam power plant until 1994.
  | 1993 Within the business-area-related privatization the French company Atochem took over the formaldehyde/glues businesses and the Belgian company UCB the amines. Within the framework of a contract the company Oxysynthese committed to erect a plant for the production of hydrogen peroxide.
  | 1994 The business-area-related privatization was continued successfully. This concerned inter alia the businesses caprolactam, salicylic acid/latex, surfactants as well as miramid. The DOMO group began with the expansion and modernization of the caprolactam sector and erected a new plant for the processing of caprolactam fo fibers. In May the construction of the present day TOTAL Raffinerie Mitteldeutschland began.
  | 1995 Within the framework of a MBO/MBI in the shape of LEUNA-Harze GmbH the business unit resins/Leumal are privatized. BSL Olefinverbund GmbH took over the polyolefin business. The business area catalyst ist privatized.
  | 1996 The InfraLeuna Infrastruktur und Service GmbH established for the infrastructure privatization at the end of 1995 started its business activities on January 1st and realized a comprehensive restructuring and modernization program as owner and operator of the infrastructure facilities. The business unit LE-waxes is privatized in form of the LEUNA-Polymer GmbH.
  | 1997 The refinery was commissioned as the most modern in Europe. It is the biggest direct investment by a French company in Eastern Germany.
  | 1998 The MEAG (today: enviaM) erected another gas and steam power plant at the site and supplies thereof steam and power to inter alia InfraLeuna.
  | 1999 ADDINOL LUBE OIL GmbH relocated its business activities to the chemical site Leuna and erected modern production and storage capacities. LEUNA-TENSIDE GmbH expanded their business activities.
  | 2000 KataLeuna GmbH constructed a new catalyst plant.
  | 2002 InfraLeuna GmbH acquired the gas and steam turbine power plant built by Steag.
  | 2003 LEUNA-Harze GmbH expanded the production of epoxy resins with the commissioning of the plant LEUNA-Harze 2 with a capacity exceeding 20,000 tons per year. Linde AG commissioned its second steam reformer. MVV TREA Leuna GmbH started with the construction of a thermal waste incineration and energy recovery plant (TREA). InfraLeuna GmbH finished the restructuring program successfully.
  | 2004 Kartogroup Deutschland GmbH located at the site and erected a plant for the production of tissues.
  | 2005 LCP Leuna Carboxylation Plant GmbH took over the salicylic acid plant of Rhodia and modernized it by considerable investments for the manufacturing of new products. Announcement of the construction of a hydrogen liquefaction plant by Linde AG. Ground breaking ceremony for expansion investments of ADDINOL LUBE OIL GmbH. Commissioning of the MVV TREA Leuna I and ground breaking ceremony for TREA II.
  | 2006 Start of production of the phenolic resin plant of LEUNA-Harze GmbH. Start of construction of the new air separation unit of Linde.
  | 2007 The ground breaking of the methyl methacrylate plant of Quinn Chemicals Leuna GmbH took place. The investment volume was 260 million euro. ADDINOL LUBE OIL GmbH inaugurated its new productions plants. The POX-methanol plant of TOTAL Raffinerie Mitteldeutschland GmbH was modernized for 42 million euro. KataLeuna GmbH laid the foundation for a new catalyst plant. The production start of the 30 million euro investment will be beginning of 2009. Linde started operation of the new hydrogen liquefaction plant as well as an air separation plant. The investments amount to about 60 million euro. LEUNA-Harze GmbH expanded the epoxy resin production to 40,000 tons liquid resin per year by putting into operation of the plant LEUNA-Harze III. With the commissioning of the TREA II the MVV TREA doubled its combustion power to 390,000 tons per year.
  | 2008 For 120 million euro the TOTAL Raffinerie Mitteldeutschland GmbH started the erection of a third desulfurization plant to produce lowsulfur fuel oil. Xentrys Leuna GmbH invested 12 million euro in the expansion of production plants. InfraLeuna began with the erection of a new condensation turbine. Objective is the flexible acting on the power and gas markets. Thereby result additional effects for the site. With the commisioning of another phenolic resin plant LEUNA-Harze GmbH increased the production capacity of BPF-epoxy resin to 10,000 tons per year and expanded their capacity of glycide ether plant to 7000 tons per year by commissioning of the glycide ether plant II. |
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